Monday, April 21, 2014

The Places I Must Go!

Friday is usually uneventful when I go over to my other families house.  I usually get picked up in the evening and then we just go home and snuggle.  We had to go to bed early this last Friday because The Boy had a Wrestling Tournament.

I had a good nights sleep, got up and ate, did my business and then we hit the road.  We drove out to a town called Silverton.  The Boy had to get signed in and weighed and then I guess you sit around and wait forever until it's your turn to wrestle. 

So The Mom and I started taking "Selfies"!
I did an A-MAZING job!!  I was well behaved, I walked very well on the leash, I wasn't distracted and I did my "business" when I was allowed to do so.

I even got to go down to the mat and watch the boy wrestle. (That's The Mom and The Boy's coach)
The Boy did A-Mazing as well and took 1st place in his division! 
I was "dog" tired by the time we left and slept all the way home.

The next day The Mom and The Dad took me out to get some lunch.  As you can see I did pretty darn good!
Next week is probably my last puppy meeting and I will be old enough to start doing what all my older "peeps" get to do at the meetings.

Wish me luck!

Truckee (19 weeks old)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

My First Trip Out Into The World!

Last night I had my first trip out into a public place!  IT WAS AWESOME!!  So many noises, so many smells, so many people!  The outing was with our Guide Dog Club "Pups With Vision."  So there were other dogs with me as well. 

The Mom, The Grandma, The Girl and The Boy were all there for the big event!  They said I behaved like a CHAMP! 

When the pizza came and The Mom started eating it was a little tough to remain cool, calm and collected.  But I held it together and decided to just put on my irresistible cute face.  The mom didn't fall for it but instead took a picture!
In the end I did fantastic, they tried to get a picture of me looking into the wacky mirror but instead I kept looking at The Mom!
There were 4 of my "Peeps" at the social from left to right - Thatcher (he goes back for his formal training on the 19th - wish him luck!), Walsh, Umpqua and Oliver and then there is ME!

I'm looking forward to exploring more of the "Outside" World! 

Wish me luck!


Another weekend with my other family!

So I get to my other house on Friday night last week and went upstairs to help The Girl with something.  And what was standing in The Mom's bedroom?  Yep!  You guessed it!  The CAT!  Good grief when is she going to get over the fact that I'm here to stay?
So we had a bit of a stare down but she's getting a little bit better about coming around.  She's not happy with me but I try very hard to not show any interest in her.  I mean why should I give her any attention anyways?  She's always rude to me!
She decided to come a little closer during lunch and watch over me as I ate my food.  I think she might be angry with me because this used to be her feeding spot.
I love being with The Mom.  She is always loving on me and giving me the "Pocket" kibble.  But even when she's not rewarding me I like to be close to her.  Even when she's in the kitchen cooking.
She says as long as I behave then I can be in the kitchen with her...I behaved!

The Boy decided to lay down next to me, I decided to lay on The Boy!

Soon I'll get to go on my first outing!  We are going to pizza with the club!

Wish me luck!
